Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > type


Type: Integer

The type property of the JadeGenericMessage class contains an integer value that can be used by the process that retrieves the message, to identify the purpose of the message.

You can set the type property to one of the JadeGenericMessage class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Purpose of Message
Type_Datagram A simple message for which no reply is expected
Type_Request A message for which a reply is expected
Type_Reply A reply to a request message
Type_Report A message that describes an event such as the occurrence of an error

You can use other values, but some transports have reserved ranges (for example, WebSphere recommends the range MQMT_APPL_FIRST (65536) through MQMT_APPL_LAST (999,999,999)).