Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > beginEventNotification


beginEventNotification(receiver: Object;
                       ref:      Feature) updating;

The beginEventNotification method of the JadeDotNetType class causes events on a .NET component to be passed through to JADE for handling.

The receiver parameter is the object to which events are delivered. The ref parameter is a reference property on the receiver of the type that contains the events.

Events are implemented in the JADE development environment by clicking on the ref property in the class of the receiver, which displays the events available in the method pane of the Class Browser. These events are shown grayed out (disabled) until you add code to that event. This is identical to defining an event on a control in a form by selecting the form, selecting the control, selecting a method (for example, the method) to implement, and then adding your event logic.