Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > verifyJournal


verifyJournal(number:    Integer;
              sourceDir: String): Integer;

The verifyJournal method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class verifies the transaction journal specified in the number parameter and located in the directory specified in the sourceDir parameter. If the value of the sourceDir parameter is null, the current transaction journal directory is used.

The verifyJournal method is executed on the database server even if the method initiating it is executed from a client node, so the sourceDir parameter must correctly identify the directory on the server.

This method returns the number of errors that were detected when verifying the transaction journal. Details of the verify operation are recorded in the journal-file-name.scan file, located in the default database directory (for example, d:\jade\logs\current\db0000076894.scan).