Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > commitBackup



The commitBackup method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class signals the successful completion of a database backup transaction in which multiple database files have been copied. This method triggers the copying of the database control file (and if archival recovery is disabled, the current transaction journal) to the default backup directory specified in the beginBackup method.

If the database is in a quiescent read-only mode, the commitBackup method ends this mode, permitting updating transactions to be processed.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the commitBackup method.

if not self.backupCancelled then
    // Commit the database backup transaction, which takes the database
    // out of backup state and finalizes the backup

The commitBackup method also marks an online database backup as valid. If this has not completed, the backup cannot be used.