Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > abortBackup


abortBackup() updating;

The abortBackup method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class terminates a backup transaction and cancels pending backup operations. Although the abortBackup method does not remove any files that have been copied, the backup will not be usable.

File backups that are in progress can be interrupted only if you have enabled progress event notifications. (For details, see the enableProgressEvents method.) If backup progress events are disabled (the default), file backups that are in progress continue until files have been copied.

If the database is in a quiescent read-only mode, the abortBackup method ends this mode, permitting updating transactions to be processed.

The following example shows the use of the abortBackup method.

    // signal our dba to abort the current backup operation