Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > appendData


appendData(data: Binary) updating;

The appendData method of the JadeBytes class appends the binary data specified by the data parameter at the end of the receiver. The length of the JadeBytes object (the amount of virtual storage) is increased by the size of the binary data that is added.

You can append data to an empty JadeBytes object. If you know the total length of the binary content when assembling a JadeBytes object sequentially, you should use the setExpectedLength method to specify this length. This could result in more optimal segment size to store the binary content than the default value of 64K bytes.

This partial-update method clears the stored checksum of singleFile instances.

The following example shows the use of the appendData method.

    bytes : JadeBytes;
    create bytes;
    write bytes.getContent;      // Writes "JadeBytes"
    delete bytes;