Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > getAfterPropertyValue


getAfterPropertyValue(pName: String): Any;

The getAfterPropertyValue method of the JadeAuditAccess class returns the after-image value of the property specified in the pName parameter. A valid description, including the required class, must be available and loaded. If the description of the class is not available, a null value is returned. If the property name or after-image is invalid, an exception is raised.

The value returned for a binary large object (blob) or a string large object (slob) is a Binary or a String primitive type value, respectively, containing a string in the following format.

"iiiiii L mmmmmm Ed nnnnnn"

In this format, the iiiiii value is the name of the blob or the slob, the mmmmmm value is the length of the blob or slob data, and the nnnnnn value is the edition of the blob or slob.