Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > binarySearch64


binarySearch64(search: Integer;
               index:  Integer64 io): Boolean;

The binarySearch64 method of the IntegerArray class sets the index parameter to the position in the array of the element specified in the search parameter if found or to the position at which it should be added if it does not exist.

This method returns true if another specified element is located. If no element is found, this method returns false and places the position in the array at which the element should be added in the index parameter.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the binarySearch64 method.

if not rowPositions.includes(top) then
    rowPositions.binarySearch64(top, pos);
    rowPositions.insert(pos + 1, top);