Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > kind


Type: Integer

The read-only kind property of the DbFile class contains the kind, or category, of the database. The categories, represented by DbFile class constants, are listed in the following table.

Constant Description Integer Value
Kind_Control Control files (_control and _reorg database files) 1
Kind_Environmental Environmental files (_locks, _environ, and _stats database files) 2
Kind_System System files (_system, _sysxrf, _sysgui, _sysint, _sysdev, _systools, _ jadeapp, _ jadedef, and _sysdef database files) 4
Kind_Unknown Unknown (when detected, raises an exception) 0
Kind_User_Data User data files (_rootdef database file and additional database files in user schemas) 32
Kind_User_Schema User schema files (_userscm, _userxrf, _usergui, _userint, and _userdev database files) 8
Kind_Utility Utility files (_monitor, _rpstrans, _sindexes.dat, and _sindexdefs.dat database files) 16