Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > startApplication


startApplication(schemaName: String;
                 appName:    String): Process;

The startApplication method of the Application class enables your logic to initiate an application in the same JADE database as the initiating application. (Use the terminate instruction to terminate the current application.)

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the startApplication method.

if eventType = Start_Server_App then
    app.startApplication('ServerApps', 'SApp03');

The parameters for the startApplication method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
schemaName Specifies the name of the schema in which the application is located
appName Specifies the name of the application to start

This method starts only applications of type ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Web, ApplicationType_Non_GUI_Rest, or ApplicationType_Non_GUI if this method is invoked from a server method or server application. (An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method or a server application to start an application of a type other than a non-GUI application.) On a client node, this method starts all types of application. For details about running non-GUI applications in standard (or fat client) mode, see the Application class applicationType property.

You can use the MaxWaitAppStart parameter in the [JadeClient] or [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file to increase the time that JADE waits for a GUI or GUI, No Forms application to initiate on another thread before raising an exception, when your system has a large number of applications to start and the default value of 45 seconds may not be sufficient for the loading on the machine during startup. For details, see your JADE Initialization File Reference.

If one application is terminated (when all forms of that application are closed), the database remains open, as each application uses the same open instance of that database.

This method returns the process of the application that was started. The application that calls this method continues executing after JADE has successfully created a new process. If the application is not initiated (for example, because of EnableAppRestrictions security restrictions) an exception is raised in the application requesting the initiation.

The types of application that you can start by using the startApplication method on client nodes or server nodes are listed in the following table, which also lists their termination behavior.

Start-up Location GUI Non_GUI and Non_GUI_Web GUI_No_Forms
Client nodes Stays while application has forms Always stays running Always stays running
  Executes finalize method Executes finalize method Executes finalize method
Server nodes Not available Always stays running Not available
    Executes finalize method  

In this table: