Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > showBubbleHelp


Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The showBubbleHelp property of the Application class specifies whether any bubble help defined for controls is displayed. Bubble help is not displayed for a control if the Window class bubbleHelp property text contains spaces only.

Controls with bubble help text display that text in a bubble below or above the control when the mouse is positioned over the control for more than a half a second. The bubble help is removed when the mouse is moved off the control (see the mouseLeave event method) or when a mouse button is pressed. This function occurs only when the application is the active application and that form has focus.

If bubble help is currently displayed and the next window to which the mouse is moved also has bubble help text, there is no delay in the display of the bubble help for the next control. To turn off the display of bubble help or to provide the user with the ability to turn it off, you must supply the appropriate user logic.

See the ComboBox class or ListBox class in Chapter 2 for details about automatic bubble help that is displayed for combo boxes and list boxes if the combo box or list box does not have bubble help text defined for it by using the Window class bubbleHelp property.

The settings of the showBubbleHelp property are listed in the following table.

Value Description
true Bubble help is always displayed (the default)
false Bubble help is not displayed

This property is ignored when dragging is in progress. (For details about dragging forms or controls, see the Window class dragMode property.)