Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > generateUuid


generateUuid(variant: Integer): Binary;

The generateUuid method of the Application class generates and returns a binary Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) value, which can be used as an attribute of an object so that it can be exposed to third-parties.

Use one of the following global constants in the UUIDVariants category for the variant parameter, to specify the layout of the UUID.

Global Constant Integer Value Description
VariantDce 2 Distributed Computing Environment, which is the scheme used by Qt C++ application development framework, and which is the recommended variant to pass to the generateUuid method
VariantMicrosoft 3 Reserved for Microsoft backward compatibility (GUID)
VariantNcs 1 Reserved for NCS (Network Computing System) backward compatibility

The following code example shows the use of the generateUuid method.

create() updating;
    self.uuid := app.generateUuid(VariantDce);