Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 9 - Using Skins to Enhance JADE Applications > Setting the Skin of a Control

Setting the Skin of a Control

The Control class setSkin method, which has the following signature, sets the current skin for a specific control regardless of the setting of the Window::skinCategoryName property and the applyCondition criteria.

setSkin(skin: JadeSkinControl);

However, if the value of the Window class ignoreSkin property is set to true, the skin is still ignored. Setting a specific skin for a control takes precedence over any defined application skin. Note that the skin object passed during this method call must correspond to the control type. For example, it must be of type JadeSkinFrame when the control is a Frame control class.

Changing a skin object after the setSkin method is called has no impact on the displayed skin. To apply any skin changes dynamically, you must call the Control class setSkin method again.

To clear the control skin (cancel the skin display), call this method again with a null value, as follows.


The control then reverts to the use of an appropriate control skin set for the application.