Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > applyCondition


Type: Integer

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The applyCondition property of the JadeSkinControl class determines whether the border area of the control uses a skin.

The applyCondition property values are listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Description
ApplyCondition_3D 2 The skin is applied to the control but the border area of the skin is displayed only if the borderStyle property for the control is set to BorderStyle_3DSunken (2) or BorderStyle_3DRaised (3). If the borderStyle property of the control is set to BorderStyle_None (0), the skin is displayed without showing a border. If the borderStyle property of the control is set to BorderStyle_Single (1), the single border is displayed and the rest of the control is displayed with a skin.
ApplyCondition_All 0 The skin is applied to the control, including the border area definition of the skin.
ApplyCondition_Border 1 The skin is applied to the control but the border area of the skin is displayed only if the borderStyle property of the control is set to a value other than BorderStyle_None (0).

The default value is ApplyCondition_Border (1) for BaseControl, Frame, JadeDockBar, JadeDockContainer, Label, ListBox, OleControl, Picture, StatusLine, Table, and TextBox controls. For all other controls, the default value is ApplyCondition_All (0). For example, you can define a skin for a Label control with a border and if the applyCondition property of the skin is not ApplyCondition_All (0), the border displays depends on the value of the borderStyle property of the label.