Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 7 - Using the Database Administration Framework > Processing Backups Asynchronously

Processing Backups Asynchronously

You may often want to process database backups asynchronously, using an asynchronous JADE process.

You can use server applications or the Application class startApplication method to start a new process to perform a backup or you can have separate JADE processes to perform concurrent file backups.

You can schedule backups to occur automatically at a specific time or frequency, by using a JADE timer to start the process.

The DbBackup::doBackup method in the following example calls Application::startAppMethod method to start a new DbAdmin application called DatabaseBackup, starting in the DbAdmin::backupDatabaseProcessor method and passing a reference to a BackupManager instance as the single method parameter.

The DatabaseBackup application is specified with application type of Non-GUI (set from the JADE development environment Define Application dialog), which allows it to run as a background process with no forms. (This method would typically be initiated from a user interface event such as a button-click.)