Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 11 - Building Web Services Applications > Processing a REST Request

Processing a REST Request

When a message arrives, a transient instance of the JadeRestService subclass is created, if it does not already exist. The processRequest method is then called on this instance. If you reimplement this method, you should always call inheritMethod to complete the processing.

To avoid exception 11127 (JadeRestServices.reply was called but there is no web message to reply to) when manually testing REST service processing, re‑implement the reply method on the JadeRestService subclass that is being used, and ensure that the reply method does not call inheritMethod. For more details about manually testing REST service processing, see "Creating REST Service Methods", earlier in this chapter.

When the processRequest method is called, the path part of the URL (for example, /customer/123) is parsed to construct the method name and the primitive type parameters. If the method signature includes an object parameter, the information for the object must be provided as an XML or JSON script at the end of the query string.

The steps in the processing are described in more details in the following sections.

Deriving the Method Name

Passing Primitive Parameters

Specifying the Output Format

Passing an Object Parameter

Passing Additional Information

Returning HTTP Header Information

Returning a Value

Deleting Transient Objects