Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 11 - Building Web Services Applications > Extracting a Web Service Exposure

Extracting a Web Service Exposure

You can extract a Web service exposure as part of the schema in which it is defined, or you can extract only the Web service exposure itself.

To extract a Web service exposure only

  1. In the Exposure Browser, select the Web service exposure that you want to extract.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Exposure menu. The common Save As dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the name and location of your Web service exposure schema. (The common Save As dialog does not enable you to encrypt the saved file.)

The file name defaults to the name of the current Web service exposure, with a .scm suffix. The location defaults to your JADE working directory; for example:


For details about extracting the Web service exposure as part of the schema in which it is defined, see "Extracting Your Schema", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.