Product Information > JADE Development Environment Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Change Control > Maintaining Deltas

Maintaining Deltas

The Delta Browser, accessed from the Deltas command in the Browse menu, enables you to maintain deltas.

The Delta menu accessed from the Delta Browser contains the commands listed in the following table.

Command Action For details, see…
Add Displays the Add Delta dialog Adding a Delta
Close Checks in all checked out methods and deletes the selected delta Closing a Delta
View Methods Displays the Checked Out Methods Browser for the selected delta Viewing Methods Checked Out to a Delta
Check In All Checks in all methods checked out to the selected delta Checking In All Methods
Undo Check Out All Discards any changes in all checked out methods Discarding Checked Out Method Changes
Set Sets the selected delta to the current delta Setting a Delta
Unset Closes all open source windows, and unsets the selected delta Unsetting a Delta

For details, see the following subsections.