Product Information > JADE Development Environment Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Change Control > Discarding Checked Out Method Changes

Discarding Checked Out Method Changes

From the Delta Browser, use the Undo Check Out All command from the Delta menu to discard any changes that have been made to all methods checked out in the delta.

When you use the Undo Check Out All command to discard all changes to methods in the delta, all changes to methods since the methods were checked out are discarded and the methods are checked back in, but the delta is not closed (removed).

The Undo Check Out All command is disabled if no methods are currently checked out to the selected delta.

To discard any changes to all methods in the delta

  1. Select the Undo Check Out All command from the Delta menu.

  2. A Confirm dialog advises you of the number of methods that are currently checked out to the selected delta and prompts you to confirm that you want to undo the changes to those methods in the delta.

  3. Click the OK button to confirm that you want to undo the check out of all methods.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the checking in.

When you click the OK button, any changes that have been made by you or by another user of checked out methods are then discarded and the methods are checked in.

The status line no longer states that a method selected in the Methods List is checked out, and the Undo Check Out All command is then disabled.