Refining the Visibility of Class Features

When you have set the visibility of derived tables, the Relational View Wizard then enables you to refine the visibility of class and user-defined table features for each table and class. All classes and user-defined tables that you selected for inclusion in your relational view are displayed in the Tables/Classes list box.

As you select a table or class, the class or user-defined table features (properties or methods) of that table or class are displayed in the Features Visible or Features Hidden list box, according to the default visibility for protected features that you specified, including any previous refinements.

An example of the eighth sheet of the Relational View Wizard is shown in the following image.

User-defined tables are displayed in red at the end of a list after all of the classes.

To refine the visibility of features for classes or tables

  1. In the Tables/Classes list box, select the class or user-defined table whose visibility of class features you want to further refine. (User‑defined tables are displayed in red after the classes.)

  2. In the Features Visible list box, select any feature that you want to exclude from your relational view and then click the > button to move the selected object feature to the Features Hidden list box. Alternatively, you can:

    • Double‑click a feature in the Features Visible list box to exclude it from your view.

    • Move all visible class or user-defined table features for exclusion by clicking the >> button.

    No class or user-defined table features are included in this list box until you have selected a table or class in the Tables/Classes list box. The Features Visible list box then displays all class or user\‑-defined table features according to your specified protected features default visibility, including any previous refinements.

  3. In the Features Hidden list box, select any feature that you want to include in your relational view and then click the < button to move the selected class or user-defined table feature to the Features Visible list box. Alternatively, you can:

    • Double‑click a feature in the Features Hidden list box to include it in your view.

    • Move all class or user‑defined table features for inclusion by clicking the << button.

    No class or user-defined table features are included in this list box until you have selected a table or class in the Tables/Classes list box. The Features Hidden list box then displays all class or user‑defined table features for the selected table or class that you previously selected for exclusion, according to your specified protected features default visibility.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 of this instruction for each table and class whose visibility of class or user‑defined table features in your relational view you want refine.

  5. Click the Next > button when you have refined the visibility of all class or user-defined table features in the required tables or classes. Alternatively, click the < Back button to redisplay the previous dialog or the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

When you click the Next > button, the Relational View Wizard then enables you to rename tables and columns in your relational view.