Selecting a Method in the Call Stack Window

To select a method whose execution you want to watch, view the Call Stack window and then select one of the methods in the list.

To display the Call Stack window if it is not currently displayed

As the methods are selected in the Call Stack window, the Watches list is updated to reflect the values that are within the scope of the selected method. If no method is selected in the Call Stack window, the values are displayed for the method that is currently executing.

Items that can be watched are:

Double‑click on an entry in the Call Stack window to display the Inspector form for the receiver of that method. (For details, see "Inspecting Object Instances", in Chapter 6.)

To copy the current call stack to the clipboard as a string

  1. Right‑click on the call stack results.

  2. Select the Copy Call Stack to Clipboard command from the popup menu that is then displayed.

Call stack entries copied to the clipboard are delimited by carriage return / line feed characters (CrLf).