Printer-style Forms

When you create a Jade form as a printer‑style form (that is, you select the Printer option button in the Form Style group box on the New Form dialog in the Jade Painter), you are declaring that the form will be used for printing. It will affect the way the form and controls are displayed in the Jade Painter, some default property values when the form and controls are created, and it will alter the appearance of the form and some controls when used as a web form.

The form can still be created and displayed as a normal GUI form.

When a form is created as a printer-style form, it has the following effects.

You can use the Form class isPrinterForm method at run time to test whether form was created as a printer-style form.

To set default properties on controls when a control is added to a form in the Jade Painter, re-implement the Window class setDefaultPainterControlProperties method in a user schema. For example, to change the default font for printer form controls, re-implement the setDefaultPainterControlProperties method on the Control class, as follows.

    if self.form.isPrinterForm() then
        self.fontName := "Arial";

2018.0.02 (Service Pack 1) and higher