Options Menu

Use the Options menu from the Jade Painter window to change the options associated with the Painter screen.

The Options menu commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Grid Provides options to display and use a grid
Edit Control Palette Edits the buttons on the Control palette
Show Alignment Hairs Displays fine alignment lines
Lock Control Positions Locks all current control positions so that controls cannot be repositioned
Control Hierarchy on Top Positions the Hierarchy for Form dialog always on top
Properties on Top Positions control properties dialog always on top
Border all Controls Borders all controls for visibility during development
Hide Control Palette Toggles to hide or display the Control palette
Hide Alignment/Size Palette Toggles to hide or display the Alignment/Size palette
Hide Tools Palette Toggles to hide or display the Tools toolbar
Hide Status Bar Toggles to hide or display the status bar