Finding a Method Source Position

You can locate a specific position in a method source; for example, when you have used the Remove Sources command from the Admin menu to remove method source code from applications in a user‑defined schema released to a third‑party site and you want to determine the position at which an exception occurred at that site.

To find a method source position

  1. In the Methods List of the Class Browser or Primitive Types Browser, select the method whose position in the source code you want to locate.

  2. Select the Find Code Position command from the Methods menu. The Find Position in Method Source dialog is then displayed, with the Code Position option button selected by default.

    The current caret position is displayed, and the range of code positions is displayed in parentheses in the Specify Code Position text box as hint text, as shown in the following image.

  3. In the Specify Code Position text box, specify the code position you want to locate (for example, the position indicated in the exception handler in the deployed application from which source code has been removed).

    This position is an integer value within in the range of code positions for the current method. A message box is displayed if you specify an integer outside this range.

  4. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the operation.

The caret is then positioned at the specified position in the method source.