Viewing Located Search Results

When you search by using the Edit menu Global Find/Replace command (or the Shift+Ctrl+F3 keys) and Jade has located all occurrences of the text in the classes and schemas that match your search criteria, the Global Find/Replace Results Browser, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

The specified search text is displayed in the title bar of the dialog, with the number of occurrences of that text displayed in parentheses if the text occurs more than once; for example, AllOrderedThings::findCustomer (2).

All classes and their methods in which the specified text was located are listed in the top of the dialog. You can scroll up or down the list to view specific methods, if appropriate. When you select a class and method in the list, the method is displayed in the editor pane, with the text that was searched for highlighted.

For details about highlighting a method in the methods list (for example, as a reminder that more work on that method is required), see "Highlighting Methods in Lists of Methods", in Chapter 4.

You can use the editor pane to modify and compile a method, if required. You can also extract a single method selected in the methods list at the top of the dialog. For details, see "Extracting a Method Selected in a Methods List", in Chapter 4.

When you perform a search and replacement by clicking the Replace button in the Global Search and Replace dialog and an occurrence of your specified text is located, the editor pane is then displayed for the method containing the first instance of your specified text and you did not change the default value of the Prompt On Replace check box (that is, you want to be prompted for each replacement).

The following image shows an example of the Global Find/Replace Results Browser with the search text highlighted and the Verify Replace dialog, displayed for each occurrence of the text string, superimposed on the editor pane.

In the Verify Replace dialog, perform one of the following actions.

When you have responded to each prompt for replacement confirmation to meet your requirements, the next occurrence of that text is then located and highlighted until you have responded to the prompt for each occurrence.

The Global Find/Replace Results Browser is then displayed, to enable you to scroll through the methods to view or modify and compile any method you require.

When your specified text has been located and focus is returned to the editor pane, you can make further searches in the editor pane for that text by selecting the Find Again command from the Edit menu, or simply pressing F3. The next occurrence of that text is then located and highlighted or the Message dialog is displayed advising you that the search text was not found if no further occurrences of that text are located.

The Find Again Reverse Direction command from the Edit menu performs another search using your last set of search options but in the opposite direction. If the search was specified as a forward search, the reverse search is performed backwards. Conversely, if the search was specified as a backwards search, the reverse search is forwards.

When searching using Shift+Ctrl+F3 and multiple search result windows are open, each search results window restores its own search criteria if it is not current so that F3 works as expected if you have multiple search result windows open.