Toggling Property, Method, and Constant Access Type Display

The Methods List of the Primitive Types Browser and Interface Browser and the Properties, Constants, and Methods Lists of the Class Browser contain symbols that indicate the access type or status of constants, properties, and methods.

These symbols and the View menu commands that you can select to hide or display these icons in the current browser are listed in the following table.

No Version Description Command to Toggle Display
Property, method, or constant is public Show Public
Property or method is protected Show Protected
Property is read-only Show Read Only
Property is a key Not applicable
Method contains one or more compilation errors Toggling not applicable to method error display
Entity in the Methods List is a condition Conditions

These constant, property, and method types are listed in the appropriate browser list by default. A check mark is displayed to the left of the command in the View menu when that entity is selected for display. (For details about toggling the display of methods or conditions, see "Toggling the Display of Methods and Conditions", in the following subsection.)

The Show Public, Show Protected, and Show Read-Only (applicable only to properties) commands in the View menu override the settings of respective check boxes in the Access group box of the Preferences dialog Browser sheet, which apply to all browsers in the Jade Platform development environment.

Overriding the Jade Platform development environment default display applies only to the current browser. The default value applies when you subsequently close and reopen that browser in your work session.

Although the icon symbols are displayed in browser list windows by default, you can use the Do not show Icons in Browser Window check box in the Browser sheet of the Preferences dialog to hide the display of all browser list icons or display all icons if they are currently hidden. For details, see "Maintaining Browser Options", in Chapter 2.

If a method, property, or constant is versioned, the left arrow or right arrow is superimposed onto the icon to indicate the version of that element; that is, a left arrow indicates the current version and the right arrow indicates the latest (uncommitted) version.

If you have a browser open against the:

The current version icon indicates the element with which the system is currently running and the latest version icon indicates the latest (uncommitted) version of that element.

Browsers can display a composite view, which shows:

You can change the version display foreground and background colors, by using the Window sheet of the Preferences dialog, accessed from the Preferences command in the Options menu of browse windows. (For details, see "Maintaining Window Options", in Chapter 2.)