System Map Files

The logical entity representing a database file, sometimes referred to as a map file in Jade, provides a convenient way of separating the user’s view of data from some of the practical considerations associated with storing that data on disk. (For details about viewing and maintaining class map files, see "Using the Class Maps Browser", in the following subsection.)

The read-only system map files listed in the following table store persistent system objects.

Map File Description
_jadeapp.bin Contains Jade Platform development environment application data
_jadedef.bin Default map file for Jade Platform development environment objects
_sysdef.bin Default map file for system objects
_sysdev.bin Contains system meta data objects defined in the JadeSchema schema and JadeToolsSchema schema; that is, the Jade Platform development environment, code coverage, and XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
_sysgui.bin Contains GUI data for system schemas
_sysint.bin Contains system internationalization data
_system.bin Contains meta data objects defined in the RootSchema schema
_systools.bin Contains meta data objects defined in the JadeMonitorSchema schema
_sysxrf.bin Contains system schema cross-references

The system files are as follows.

When deploying a Jade system, you can optionally:

Marking _sysdev, _jadeapp, and _jadedef system files offline prevents the Jade Platform development environment from being used.

Marking _systools and _monitor system files offline prevents the Jade Monitor, code coverage, and XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) from being used. For details, see the jdbutilb batch Jade Database utility markOffline command and markOnline command in Chapter 1 of the Database Administration Guide.

The default database map files listed in the following table store persistent objects in your Jade schemas.

Map File Description
_control.dat Database control file
_environ.dat Maintains environmental objects (for example, system, session, node, and process objects)
_monitor.dat Used by the Jade Monitor
_rootdef.dat Default map file for user objects (note that this is a user data file)
_stats.dat Used for storing statistics information
_userdev.dat Contains user development-time non-schema data
_usergui.dat Contains user GUI data (for example, skins information and ActiveX controls)
_userint.dat Contains user internationalization data
_userscm.dat Contains user schema definitions
_userxrf.dat Contains user schema cross-references