Displaying Bubble Help in Browser Lists

Bubble help is displayed for the entity over which the cursor is positioned in a list in the current Class Browser, Primitive Types Browser, or Interface Browser. For example, when you move the mouse so that cursor is positioned over a method in the Methods List of a browser, the signature of that method is then displayed in bubble help, as are summary details about a property when you position the cursor over a property in the Properties List of the Class Browser or a constant in the Constants List of the Primitive Types or Interface Browser.

You can display bubble help for classes, methods, properties, and constants in the current browser, if applicable. The details displayed in bubble help are those that are displayed in the editor pane when you select the entity in a browser list.

When a method displayed in the Methods List in the Jade Hierarchy Browser and Methods Browser is hovered over, the bubble help includes the schema and class of the method as well as the method signature.

Bubble help is displayed for items in browser lists by default. To hide the display of bubble help in the current browser, select the Show Bubble Help command from the View menu. (This command enables you to toggle the display of bubble help. A check mark is displayed to the left of the command in the View menu when bubble help is selected for display.)

Overriding the Jade Platform development environment default bubble help display applies only to the current browser.

The default value applies when you subsequently close and reopen that browser in your work session.

For details about displaying bubble help in the editor pane, see "Using Bubble Help in the Editor Pane", in Chapter 4.