Web-based HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Online Help

When help is invoked directly for web‑based online help via the Window class showHelp method or via the user pressing the help key (F1), a URL is created and the default browser is invoked to display the URL.

When help is requested, if the Application class helpFile property specifies web HTML help, detected by the value of the helpFile property starting with a recognized URL scheme (that is, http:// or https://), Jade attempts to construct a URL to pass to the default web browser.

Set the value of the Application class helpFile property to a base URL, as shown in the following code fragment examples.

app.helpFile := "http://www.example.com/prodhelp";
app.helpFile := "http://www.example.com/prodhelp/" & app.version.String & "/";

If the value of the Window class helpKeyword property starts with a recognized URL scheme, the URL is used; otherwise the value of the helpKeyword property is appended to the value of the helpFile property to become the URL to use, as shown in the following code fragment example.

mybtn.helpKeyword := "Form1/button1.htm";

The [JadeHelp] section of the Jade initialization file can contain the following parameters, to enable you to configure the online help that you require for your Jade system. (For details about the other Jade initialization file parameters that enable you to configure your Jade help files, see "Jade Help Section [JadeHelp]", in your Jade Initialization File Reference.)

If you do not use the Application class helpFile property to dynamically set the help file at run time, no help file is opened when help is requested, regardless of the value specified in the Window class helpKeyword property.