Using Window Menu Commands

Use the Window menu to arrange and manipulate the "child" windows in the Jade Platform development environment Multiple Document Interface (MDI) application.

The Window menu provides standard facilities that enable you to select tiling or cascading of windows in the Jade Platform development environment and displays a list of the currently enabled windows.

The lower portion of the Window menu lists all currently open windows (after these commands) in the order in which they were opened.

The current, or active, window is indicated by a check mark to the left of the window number and name.

To access an open window, select the appropriate window from the list in the Window menu. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+F6 shortcut keys to cycle through all open MDI child windows.

To save your current settings of Class Browser windows when you terminate your work session by exiting from Jade, see "Maintaining Exit Options" under "Setting User Preferences", later in this chapter.

If you save your settings when exiting and you exit from the Jade Platform development environment in an orderly fashion (for example, by using the File menu Exit or Logoff command or the close icon at the top right corner of the window), your current Class Browser window settings are retained and displayed when you start the next Jade work session.

These settings are not retained if you exit from Jade abnormally (for example, you use the Windows Task Manager to end the Jade task or to terminate the jade.exe process.)

Use the Window menu commands to perform one of the actions listed in the following table.

Command Description For details, see…
Arrange Icons Arranges all minimized icons in an orderly manner Arranging Window Icons
Cascade Arranges open windows in an overlapping pattern Cascading Open Windows
Close All MDI Forms Closes all open Multiple Document Interface (MDI) forms Closing All MDI Forms
Tile Horizontal Resizes and arranges windows horizontally without overlap Tiling Windows Horizontally
Tile Vertical Resizes and arranges windows vertically without overlap Tiling Windows Vertically

For details, see the following subsections.