
Jade includes the Jade Platform product information library in web (HTML5) and in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format. For details about specifying whether web (HTML5) or print (PDF) format is used as the default for context‑sensitive help from the Jade Platform development environment, see the UseJadeWebHelp parameter and the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter in the [JadeHelp] section of the Jade initialization file. See also "Jade HTML5 Online Help", earlier in this chapter.

The examples files are not part of the installation process, and must be downloaded and installed from the Jade website separately, if required.

Adobe PDF makes documents available across several platforms. You can open PDF files by using the Adobe Reader application that is freely available from the Adobe website, by using the licensed Adobe Acrobat application, or another PDF reader. Depending on the PDF reader that you are using, you:

In this chapter, "Adobe Reader" is used to indicate both the full version of Adobe Acrobat (which allows the distilling, reading, and editing of PDF files) and Adobe Reader (which is a free product distributed for reading and printing PDF files). In either case, the procedures are the same.

For a summary of and access to the documents in the Jade Platform product information library, see the Product Information Library document (Jade.pdf), displayed when you select the Index command in the Jade Platform development environment Help menu or when you click the General Help toolbar button and the UseJadeWebHelp parameter in the [JadeHelp] section of the Jade initialization file is set to false.

To access JadeE documentation when web help is disabled, perform one of the following actions