Navigating around the Jade Platform Development Environment

Jade provides the hierarchy nodes, toolbar buttons, and menus described in the following subsections, to enable you to navigate around the Jade Platform development environment. The Jade Platform development environment contains browser windows that provide a hierarchical structure of the browser elements.

The Schema Browser is always opened on start‑up.

You can access the browser windows listed in the following table from Browse menu commands.

Command Views and Maintains...
Ad Hoc Index ODBC query indexes suitable for optimizing ad hoc queries without requiring database reorganization (for details, see "Maintaining Ad Hoc Indexes", in Chapter 9)
Applications Applications in your schema (including running an application)
Breakpoints All breakpoints that have been set in all methods in the current schema
Changed Methods All methods that have changed within specified criteria
Checked Out Methods All methods that have been checked out within specified criteria
Classes Classes and their associated methods, properties, and constants
Classes In Use All classes in use by all processes, nodes, and applications in non‑production development environment
Deltas Deltas enabling developers working in different parts of Jade to lock methods
Display Version Info Entities that are versioned in all schemas (for details, see "Displaying Versioned Entities in All Schemas", in Chapter  3 of the Developer's Reference)
Exposures (C# or Web services) Jade objects exported through a C# or web services exposure library (for details, see Chapter 17 in this document, or "Defining a Web Services Provider Application", in Chapter 11 of the Developer's Reference, respectively)
External Component Libraries .NET, ActiveX control, and ActiveX automation objects (for details, see Chapter 16, "Importing External Components")
External Databases External database schema definitions
External Functions External functions exported from a Dynamic Link Library (DLL)
Git Source Control Client Source control (for details, see "Development Source Control", earlier in this chapter)
Global Constants Global constants and their categories
HTML Documents HTML documents
Interfaces Jade interfaces and their associated methods and constants
Libraries Libraries of external user-written Application Programming Interface (API) calls
Maps Class map files
Methods Viewer Method views (for details, see "Using Method Views to Bookmark Workflows", in Chapter 13)
Packages Export packages of classes, properties, methods, and constants that are available to other schemas and import packages that have been imported from other schemas (for details, see "Using Packages", in Chapter 8 of the Developer's Reference)
Patches Patch control information (for details, see "Maintaining Patch Numbers", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment Administration Guide)
Primitive Types Primitive types and their associated methods
Relational Views Relational view of the current schema
RPS Mappings Relational Population Service (RPS) mappings of the current schema
Schema Views Customized Class Browser displaying only the required classes
Status List All methods and class constants that match the specified status criteria
Status List for Current User All methods and class constants that match the specified status criteria for the current user
Unreferenced Methods All methods that are not referenced by other methods
Versioned Methods All versioned methods in the selected object
Web Service Consumer Web service consumers (for details, see "Defining a Web Service Consumer Application", in Chapter 11 of the Developer's Reference)

You can also access some browsers from toolbar buttons or by using shortcut keys. For more details, see "Using Browser Toolbar Buttons" or "Using Function Keys and Shortcut Keys", later in this chapter.

The Schema Browser highlights an incomplete schema with a default background color of red. If you select an incomplete schema in the Schema Browser, the Schema, Browse, and Jade menus are disabled. If you have selected an incomplete schema and you then attempt to open a Class, Primitive Type, Map, or Application Browser by clicking on the relevant toolbar button, a message is displayed, advising you that the schema is incomplete.

To activate an open window, select the appropriate window from the list in the Window menu. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+F6 shortcut keys to cycle through all open MDI child windows.

When a delta is set, the delta text display on the right of the Jade Platform development environment toolbar is drawn in red. When you double‑click on this delta text description, the Delta Browser is displayed.

Right‑click on an item in a browser to quickly display a popup menu that provides choices for that item. (A popup menu contains the same commands as the appropriate menu in the menu bar. For example, a popup Methods menu is displayed at the caret position when you right‑click on a method in the Methods List of the Class Browser.) You can use the Esc key to cancel the display of popup menus.

Left‑clicking on a menu item that has a submenu immediately opens the submenu instead of waiting for the menu hover timer to expire before the submenu is displayed.

If you do not want forms to be displayed in the default standard Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) style, select the required option button in the Mdi group box on the Browser sheet of the Preferences or Jade Installation Preferences dialog. When you select:

When the MDI option on the Preferences dialog Browser sheet is set to Use Mdi With Tabs or to Use Tabs Only, you can close a tab by clicking the middle mouse button (that is, pressing the mouse wheel) on the tab. (The middle mouse button does not close pinned tabs.)

This affects only the main development environment tabs.

You can still close a tab by clicking the close icon at the top right corner of the tab, including pinned tabs.

For details about specifying your browser preferences and how Jade handles the MDI with tabs and the tabs‑only styles, see "Maintaining Browser Options", later in this chapter.