Maintaining Source Management Options

You can use the Source Management sheet to configure your delta, source comparison, miscellaneous, and source control preferences and behavior.

In Jade, your method sources are compared using default behavior. Additionally, your workstation emits a beep sound when an error is detected in a method.

To change your default source management options

  1. In the Preferences or Jade Installation Preferences dialog, click the Source Management sheet.

  2. If you do not want to be prompted when checking out methods, select the Automatic Checkout or Manual Checkout (No Prompt) options button in the Checkout Options group box of the Delta Options frame.

  3. If you do not want methods to be modified without a delta being set, check the Delta Must Be Set check box in the Delta Options frame.

  4. If you do not want newly defined methods to be automatically checked out, uncheck the Check Out New Methods check box.

  5. If you want the comparison of your methods sources to be displayed for changes only, select the Changes Only options button in the View Options group box of the Compare Sources frame.

  6. If you selected the Changes Only option button in the View Options group box, you can specify the number of lines either side of the current method line whose changes are to be compared by selecting the appropriate context number from the Context list box in the View Options group box.

  7. If you want white space compared when your methods sources are compared, uncheck the Ignore White Space check box in the Compare Sources frame.

  8. If you want the case (that is, capitalization) ignored when your method sources are compared, check the Ignore Case check box in the Compare Sources frame.

  9. If you do not want your workstation to emit a beep sound when an error is detected in your methods, uncheck the Beep On Error check box.

  10. If you have patch control enabled and you do not want your method sources saved every time you compile a method, uncheck the Save Source on Every Compile check box.

    If this check box is unchecked to disable the saving of source each time a method is compiled, you can press Shift+F8 to save the source during the compilation.

    By default, every time a method is compiled when patch control is enabled, the previous source (and hence a history entry) is saved. When you uncheck this check box, the source is saved only when the user leaves the method.

  11. If you want to reuse the same form to display the source of a method, when possible, rather than creating a new form for each such request, check the Reuse Same Method Source Window For All check box. For details, see "Reusing the Form Displaying Method Source", in Chapter 3.

    Checking this check box unchecks the Reuse Same Method Source Window For Each Origin check box if that was checked.

  12. If you want to use a new form to display the source of a method, check the Reuse Same Method Source Window For Each Origin check box; for example, pressing F11 on a method name in a method in the editor pane opens an extended source window that is populated only with actions in the original browser or in the displayed extended source window. For details, see "Reusing the Form Displaying Method Source", in Chapter 3. Checking this check box unchecks the Reuse Same Method Source Window For All check box if that was checked.

  13. If you want to extract and load definition files (for example, form, database, and ActiveX definitions) in the legacy DDB format instead of the XML DDX format, uncheck the Extract as DDX (xml format) instead of DDB check box.

    This check box, which is checked by default, controls whether the Forms/Mappings as XML (ddx file) check box on the Extract Options sheet of the Extract dialog is initially set or unset.

  14. If you do not want to set UTF‑8 with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) as the default encoding format during all extract processes that you perform, uncheck the Extract as UTF‑8 Encoded check box. If you do not check this check box, the default encoding format is native ANSI or Unicode.

    This check box, which is checked by default, controls whether the UTF‑8 Encoded check box on the Schema Options sheet of the Extract dialog is initially set or unset.

  15. If you do not want a Jade Control File (.jcf) created during all extract processes that you perform, check the Unset Extract option 'Create JCF Command File' check box.

    This check box, which is unchecked by default, controls whether the Create Command File check box on the Schema Options sheet of the Extract dialog is initially set or unset by turning off the .jcf file creation. The Create Command File check box is checked by default; that is, a .jcf file is created.

  16. In the Source Control group box, which relates to Git client functionality, specify:

    1. Your Git user name in the Committer Name text box. You must specify a value, as it is used to identify the author of a Git commit operation.

    2. Your email address in the Committer Email text box. You must specify a value, as it is used to identify the author of a Git commit operation.

    3. Your working (local) directory in the Working Directory text box. Alternatively, browse to and select the location on your workstation of your working directory. This must be a valid folder; otherwise an error is raised.

      You must enter a valid working directory to use the Git client functionality.

      If the specified directory is already a Git repository, you cannot clone into it.

  17. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The current window then has focus. Your selected preferences are the default options for your methods when you exit from Jade and then restart a Jade work session.

2022.0.01 and higher