Maintaining Schema Options

By default, access to classes, references, and attributes in schemas is protected, and classes are persistent with a Real type. You can use the Schema sheet of the Preferences or Jade Installation Preferences dialog to change these default options for your schemas.

To change your default schema options

  1. In the Preferences dialog, click the Schema sheet. As the Protected option in the Access group box of the Class Options frame is reserved for future use, only public access to classes is supported; that is, selecting the Protected option button has no effect. (Instances of classes that have public access can be created or deleted by another class.)

  2. In the Type group box of the Class Options frame, select the Abstract option button if you do not want the classes in your schemas to be of Real type by default.

  3. In the Persistence group box of the Class Options frame, select the Transient option button if you do not want the classes in your schemas to be persistent by default.

  4. Check the Dictionary string keys are case insensitive check box in the Class Options frame if you do not want dictionary string keys to be case-sensitive.

  5. In the Access group box of the Reference Options frame, select the appropriate type of access if you do not want access to the properties in your schemas to be protected by default.

  6. In the Access group box of the Attribute Options frame, select the appropriate type of access if you do not want access to the attributes in your schemas to be protected by default.

  7. In the Methods Access group box, select the Protected type of access if you do not want access to the methods in your schemas to be public by default. For details, see "protected Option", in Chapter 1 of the Developer's Reference.

  8. Check the Generate Get/Set Methods for Protected and Set Method for Read Only Properties check box if you want get and set methods generated for protected properties and the set method generated for read‑only properties in your schemas.

    Protected properties can then be got or set and read-only properties set from methods, but still cannot be updated directly.

  9. If you want the Jade default schema options applied to all your schemas, click the Defaults button. (This option is not available on the administrative Jade Installation Preferences dialog, as it is user‑specific.)

  10. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The current window then has focus. Your specified options then become your default schema preferences.