Displaying or Clearing a History of Accessed Entities

When you have accessed one or more method, property, and type (for example, class or primitive type) entities in the current schema in your work session, the History menu enables you to view a history of the last 25 entities accessed from that browser, in the order in which you accessed them. The type in which a method or property is defined precedes the method or property name in the history list.

The behavior of the Jade hierarchy browser history list differs between the three methods of selection, as follows.

Unless you use the History menu, entries will be eligible to be removed earlier, because the last entry in the list is removed when a new entry is added and the list size exceeds 25.

To display a specific method, property, or type entity that you have accessed in the current work session, click on the entity in the History menu list.

The entity that is then selected in the Class, Primitive Type, Interface, Properties, or Methods List and displayed in the editor pane is indicated by a check mark to the left of the entity name in the history list.

Press Ctrl+Alt+B to view the previous history entry in the list or Ctrl+Alt+N to view the next history entry, or use the respective History Back and History Next Browser toolbar buttons.

The Browser sheet of the Preferences or Jade Installation Preferences dialog enables you to specify that you want to list only the most‑recently accessed methods in the history list. For details, see "Maintaining Browser Options", later in this chapter.