Creating Context Links for a Windows Help File

Index entries in Word documents automatically become help keywords in a Windows help file, and it is then simply a matter of applying those keywords as properties in Jade. For example, for a list box control on a form called Products that has a topic (a subsection) in your documentation for that control called "Products List Box", perform the following actions.

  1. In your documentation for a specific topic, apply an index entry; for example, "Product List - displaying", which automatically becomes a help keyword when you generate your Windows help file.

  2. In your Jade Platform development environment, apply the keyword to your list box object. In this case, you would:

    1. Edit the Products form in Jade Painter.

    2. On the Common sheet of the Properties dialog for the Products list box control, specify Product List - displaying in the text box for the helpKeyword property, exactly the same as the index entry you inserted in your documentation for that topic.

    Alternatively, if you cannot edit a control in Painter (for example, when the sheets of a folder control are overlaid at run time so you cannot apply help keywords to sheets in Painter), apply your keyword in your Jade code, usually in the load method for the form, as shown in the following example.

    if products.topSheet = supplier then
        supplier.helpKeyword := "Product List - displaying";
    elseif ... then
  3. Apply help keywords in your Jade code when you have multiple sheet folders, as you do not normally want your Help button to display text relating to the whole dialog but only for the sheet that is on view. In this case, identify the sheet that is on top and then apply the keyword using code in the click event for the Help button, like that shown in the following example:

    if <form-name>.topSheet = <sheet1-name> then
         <sheet1-name>.helpKeyword := "<index-entry-1>";
    elseif <form-name>.topSheet = <sheet2-name> then
         <sheet2-name>.helpKeyword := "<index-entry-2>";
  4. To make your menu commands context-sensitive (or "hot"), apply your index entry help keyword by using the Menu Design facility. Specify the help keyword for your menu command index entry in the Help Id text box on the Text sheet of the Menu Design dialog.

    Index entries must be unique. For example, if several of your forms have identical controls, you must further qualify each one; for example:

    Print Option Button - invoice
    Print Option Button - receipt
    Print Option Button – address