final Option

The final class and method option enables you to specify that a class cannot be subclassed or a method cannot be reimplemented in a subclass. Use the final option to restrict subclassing and method reimplementation in this schema and its subschemas.

This option does not restrict methods and constants being added to subschema copies of the class.

The Define Class dialog provides the Final (Class cannot be subclassed) check box and the Jade Method Definition and External Method Definition dialogs provide the Final check box. As these check boxes are unchecked by default, classes can be subclassed or a method can be reimplemented in a subclass unless you specify otherwise. (For details, see "Adding Classes to Your Schema" or "Defining and Compiling Jade Methods and Conditions", in Chapter 3 or Chapter 4, respectively.)

You can change this method option (for an existing method) from the editor pane, by adding or removing the final method option in the method signature and then recompiling that method.