Displaying All Superschema External Components in Your Current External Components Browser

You can set the level of visible schemas in your External Components Browser; that is, you can view all ActiveX control and automation libraries, .NET framework library objects, and OpenAPI specifications, respectively, imported into superschemas in the External Components Browser of your current schema.

Although a subschema inherits all ActiveX, .NET object, and OpenAPI specification classes and their methods and properties from its superschemas, these inherited classes are not displayed by default in the External Components Browser of the subschema. Instead, for the sake of clarity, only ActiveX, .NET object, >and OpenAPI specification classes local to the subschema are displayed.

To display all superschema ActiveX control and automation libraries, .NET framework library objects, and OpenAPI specifications

  1. Select the Superschema command from the View menu in the External Components Browser for your current schema. The View Superschemas dialog is then displayed. The immediate superschema of the current schema is displayed in the Show classes and methods defined in: combo box, by default.

  2. Scroll down the list box of the Show classes and methods defined in: combo box until you locate the superschema whose ActiveX library, .NET object, or OpenAPI specification you want to display in your current External Components Browser.

  3. When the appropriate superschema is selected, click the OK button.

After a few seconds, the External Components Browser for your current schema is populated with all of the ActiveX type libraries, .NET framework library objects, and OpenAPI specifications imported into all schemas up to the selected superschema.

ActiveX type libraries, .NET framework library objects, and OpenAPI specifications imported into superschemas are displayed in blue, or the SuperSchema Objects color of your choice specified in the Window sheet of the Preferences dialog. ActiveX type libraries, .NET framework library objects, and OpenAPI specifications imported into the current schema are displayed in black, by default.