Printing an Interface

The Print Options dialog, accessed by clicking the Print Selected icon in the Browser toolbar or by selecting the Print Selected command from the File menu, enables you to print the interface selected in the Interface List of the Interface Browser.

To select the interface print options

  1. In the Interface List of the Interface Browser, select the interface that you want to print.

  2. Perform one of the following actions.

    • Click the Print Selected icon in the Browser toolbar

    • Select the Print Selected command from the File menu

    The Print Interface dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    As the concepts of hierarchies and system interfaces do not apply, the Hierarchy option button in the Print Selection group box and the System Interfaces option button in the Interface Selections group box are disabled. In addition, check boxes for print options that do not apply to interfaces (for example, properties and method source) are disabled in the Options group box.

  1. In the Options group box, check the appropriate check boxes to select the options that you require for your interface documentation. A check mark is displayed in check boxes of options that are selected for printing. By default, the constants, methods, and any specified text are printed (that is, these check boxes are checked).

  2. If you do not want your selections to be output to the default printer, select one of the following.

    • Print Preview option button, to preview the output on your workstation monitor. For details about previewing print output, see "Previewing Print Output" under "Printer Class", in Chapter 1 of your Encyclopaedia of Classes.

    • RTF File option button, to output your selections to a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file in your working (bin) directory. You can view your .rtf file output by using a text editor; for example, Word for Windows.

  3. Click the Print Setup button if you want to change the setup of your printing. For details, see "Setting Up Your Printer", in Chapter 3.

  4. Click the OK button to confirm your selections. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.