Naming your HTML Document and its Source

The first page of the HTML Wizard enables you to define the name of your HTML document and its source.

To specify a name for your HTML document

  1. In the HTML File Name text box, specify the name and location of the file from which to create the HTML document. Although this can be any valid file type, it is most often an HTML file (that is, .html or .htm). Alternatively, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the source file from the appropriate location.

  2. In the Document Name text box, specify the name that you require for your HTML document. You must enter a document name, which can contain underscore characters but it cannot contain spaces. The document name length is restricted to 100 characters.

  3. In the Description text box, enter the free-format text that describes your HTML document, if required.

  4. In the Target Window drop-down list box, select the target attribute of the HTML document, if required. You can select one of the HTML target attributes listed in the following table.

    Target Loads the linked document into …
    _blank A new blank window, which is not named
    _media The Media Bar (available in Internet Explorer 6 or later)
    _parent The immediate parent of the document containing the link
    _search The browser's search pane (available in Internet Explorer 5 or later)
    _self The window in which the link was clicked (the active window), which is the default target attribute
    _top The topmost window
  5. In the Bounce Page Details group box, optionally perform the following actions.

    1. In the Seconds text box, enter the number of seconds after which the web page specified in the URL text box is displayed if there has been no user action.

    2. In the URL text box, specify the URL of the web page that is displayed when there has been no user action for the number of seconds specified in the Seconds text box.

  6. If the HTML page is secure, check the Is this page secure? check box. The form action and all hyperlinks are then prefixed with https. By default, the HTML page is not secure (that is, this check box is unchecked).

    To dynamically change the page security status, set the Boolean value of the securePage property in the JadeHTMLClass class to the appropriate value.

  7. If you want to include cookie code in the HTML document, check the Include cookie code? check box. By default, cookie code is not included (that is, this check box is unchecked).

  8. Click the Next > button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button.