Removing Locales

Use the Select Locales sheet from the Locales dialog to remove locales from the current schema.

To remove locales

  1. In the Selected Locales list box, select the locale that you no longer want to support.

  2. Click the Remove button to move the locale from the Selected Locales list box to the Available Locales list box.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each locale that you want to remove. Alternatively, you can click the Remove All button if you want to remove all selected locales except inherited locales.

  4. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

You cannot remove a locale if it is being used by active applications. Before a locale is removed, Jade checks to ensure it is not in use. If it is in use, a warning message is displayed and the locale is not removed. When a locale is removed, all form and string translation for the locale are also deleted.