Running an Application Server in Batch Mode

The jadappb program, installed with your Jade software, enables you to automate the application server by running it in batch mode.

Run the batch Application Server program (for example, from a command script), specifying the following.

jadappb appServerPort=TCP/IP-communications-port-number
        [host=host-server-node-name or host-IP-address]
        [port=host-port-name or host-port-number]
        [interface=client-TCP/IP-name or client-IP-address]
        [localport=client-port-name or client-port-number]

The following is an example of the application server batch command.

jadappb appServerPort=1500 path=r:\jade_development\jade\system ini=r:\jade\system\test\myjade.ini server=singleUser hostdevsrvr38 port=6015 localport=6099

For details about displaying and redirecting the output from Jade batch utilities, see the DisplayApplicationMessages, LogServer, and UseLogServer parameters under "Jade Log Section [JadeLog]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.

When you have invoked your application server, you can then initiate your Jade presentation clients. If the jadappb executable program fails, a non-zero exit code is returned and an error message is displayed; for example, if the database directory was invalid. The jadappb program uses the parameters in the Jade initialization file [JadeAppServer] section.

The batch Application Server program parameters are described in the following subsections. (For more details about initiating an application when the application server is initiated or at a specific time, see "Invoking an Application Server", earlier in this chapter.)