Getting Presentation Client Sign-On Details

When a presentation client connects to an application server and the connection must be made via a proxy server that requires authentication, the SSLProxyAuthDetails parameter in the [JadeThinClient] section of the Jade initialization file may be required. This parameter specifies the name and optionally the entry-point of a library file that supplies a user code and password, and enables a support library to obtain the user name and password required by the proxy server, rather than using the default Jade sign-on dialog.

The default value of <default> indicates that the proxy server user code and password authentication are not required or that the user identifier and password specified in the connection Jade sign-on dialog are used.

If you use this parameter to specify the name of the input library file, the optional function name value defaults to getProxyPassword. This validates the application sign on to a Jade presentation client over an SSL proxy connection if your Jade thin client is behind a firewall and your network administrator requires connections to the Internet to be done through a proxy.

The Jade Application Programming Interface (API) function call interface signature is as follows.

extern "C" int JOMAPI authFunction(GETPASSWORD_UNION * authInfo);

This function call, whose use is shown in the following example (in which you would substitute your own user code and password to replace the fictitious ones used in this example), returns zero (0) for success or a non-zero error condition if the call failed for some reason.

extern "C" int JOMAPI
authFunction(GETPASSWORD_UNION * authInfo)
    authInfo->GETPASSWORD_STRUCTv1.bValid = true;

  return 0;

To indicate that a user name and password are used, set bValid to true. A value of false indicates that you do not want the function call to provide a user name and password.

To view the format of the data structure and callback that handles obtaining a user name and password from at third‑party DLL, see the GETPASSWORD_STRUCT type definition in the jomtypes.h file in your Jade includes directory.