RPS Node Creation Example

To create and run an RPS node

  1. Create an RPS mapping for the selected schema, by using the Relational Population Service wizard in the Jade Platform development environment. (For details, see "Defining an RPS Mapping", in Chapter 15 of the Development Environment User's Guide.)

  2. Configure an SDS secondary node. (For details, see "Configuring the Synchronized Database Service", in Chapter 1.)

  3. Set the DatabaseSubrole parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file to RelationalRole.

  4. Use the RPS Manager application to create an RPS database. For details, see "Creating the RPS Database", later in this chapter.

  5. Using the appropriate RDBMS utilities, create the RDBMS database to be used with the database name specified in the RPS mapping.

  6. Create an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN), by using the Microsoft Data Source Administrator program from the Control Panel Administrative Tools option Data Sources (ODBC) applet to connect to the RDBMS database.

  7. Start the RPS node in your SDE.

  8. Start the RPS Manager application on the RPS node. (For more details, see "Using the RPS Manager Application", later in this chapter.)

  9. Start the RPS configuration. (For details, see "Configuring your RPS Node", later in this chapter.) In the Configure RPS Node dialog:

    • Specify the connection string with which to connect to the RDBMS database if you did not specify the connection string in the RPS mapping in step 1 of this instruction, in the Default Connection String text box.

    • Specify the database name if you did not specify it in the RPS mapping in step 1 of this instruction.

    • Specify or select the directory for script and data files, in the Default Working Directory text box.

    • Specify the appropriate schema and application name values in the Data Pump Application group box, if you want to specify your own non-GUI Datapump application. (For details, see "Configuring your RPS Node" and "Implementing User-Defined Output Control", elsewhere in this chapter.)

  10. Set up the RDBMS, by selecting the Setup RDBMS command from the RPS menu on an RPS secondary system. The table creation scripts are then generated, the SQL scripts executed, and the data then extracted before it is loaded into the relational database. (For details, see "Setting Up RDBMS", later in this chapter.)

  11. Start the Datapump application, by selecting the Start Datapump command from the Jade RPS Manager window RPS menu.

The RPS node should now track changes to the production Jade database and update the RDBMS database, as required.