Making a Database with an Undefined Role the Primary Database

If you initiate the JadeSDSAdmin application and the SDS mode is undefined (that is, the value of the DatabaseRole parameter in the [SyncDbService] section in the Jade initialization file is not specified), the SDS Admin primary database view is displayed but with no database node and with only the Admin, Options, and Help menus displayed in the menu bar.

An exception is raised if the MyName parameter in the [SyncDbService] section of the Jade initialization file is not a valid name.

To make the current node the primary database server

The Make Primary command is displayed in the Admin menu only when the SDS database is initialized in non-SDS mode; that is, the database role is undefined.

The node is then made the primary, the Primary and Secondary menus are displayed in the menu bar, and the collapsed primary node is displayed in the SDS Admin primary database view.