Displaying the Legend for the Database State

You can toggle the display of the legend for the database state in the SDS Admin database view for the primary or a secondary database. The state of a secondary database is indicated by the background color of secondary system nodes in the database view pane.

By default, the legend is not shown at the bottom of the SDS Admin database view.

To toggle the display of the state legend in the SDS Admin database view

A check mark is displayed to the left of the command in the Options menu when the legend is displayed at the bottom of the database view pane.

The default background colors of secondary system states are shown in the following diagram.

To change a default color for a secondary database state

  1. In the legend pane of the SDS Admin database view, double‑click on the color square whose secondary database state you want to change. For example, double‑click the square at the left of Disconnected if you want to change the color that indicates that a secondary database is disconnected from the primary database.

    The common Color dialog is then displayed.

  2. Click on the required color. The selected color is then outlined in black. (This common dialog also enables you to define your own custom color, if required.)

  3. Click the OK button.

The square in the legend pane and the background color of secondary databases that currently have that state are then updated accordingly. To make all your required color display changes, repeat steps 1 through 3.