Using the Jade User Interrupt

The Jade User Interrupt icon is created in the system tray at the right of the Taskbar by default when you run a Jade user application or JadeScript, to enable you to interrupt the application or script that is currently running.

A Jade User Interrupt icon is created only for user-defined Jade applications (that is, a Jade User Interrupt icon is not created for system applications such as the Jade application itself or for the Jade Monitor) that are running in a Windows GUI environment. A Jade User Interrupt icon is not created if the database is running in production mode or if the ShowUserInterrupt parameter in the [Jade] section of the Jade initialization file is set to false.

If the ShowUserInterrupt and UseSystemTrayIcon parameters in the [Jade] section of the Jade initialization file are set to true and the Group similar taskbar buttons check box is checked on the Taskbar sheet of the Windows Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog, right‑clicking on the Jade User Interrupt system menu within the group menu does nothing. You must use the left‑click action instead.

The icon provides a menu only; it cannot be maximized to a window. The icon that is displayed is the icon of the earliest initiated application that is not using the default Jade icon. (The Jade icon is displayed if no icon is defined for the application.)

For details about the conditions under which this icon is displayed and configuring its location, see the Jade initialization file ShowUserInterrupt and UseSystemTrayIcon parameters, under "Jade Startup Section [Jade]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.

Clicking this icon with a left or right mouse button displays the Jade User Interrupt system menu and when you move the mouse over the icon, bubble help is displayed that describes the database or application server that is in use.

In applications running on a standard (fat) client, the bubble help includes the database path. As the database path is not known on the presentation client, the bubble help for the Jade User Interrupt icon when an application is running in Jade thin client mode displays the following information.

Jade User Interrupt for: App Server:<name> App Server Port:<port>

The Jade Interrupt icon enables you to access the Jade User Interrupt system menu, shown in the following image.

The Jade User Interrupt menu lists the Jade applications that are currently running and the instance identifier (instId) of the associated Jade process, which enables you to distinguish between multiple copies of the same application running on the same client node (for example, is your want to determine the user who acquired a selected lock so that you can force off or interrupt the user). This identifier is the same as that shown in the Jade Monitor Users view.

Although the Jade application itself is listed, the only action that you can perform from the Jade User Interrupt menu is to terminate the Jade application. All other operations are disabled.

The Jade User Interrupt menu also contains submenus of the operations that you can perform on your applications.

Use the Jade User Interrupt to perform the actions described later in this section and listed in the following table.

Action For details, see…
Attach Debugger Attaching the Debugger to a Running Application
Break the process that is currently being executed in an application Breaking a Process in an Application
Determines the degree to which the methods in your application have been executed Determining Code Coverage
Profile an application Profiling an Application
Enable or disable the tracing of application methods in an application Tracing Methods in an Application
Terminate a selected application Terminating an Application
Show an invisible form Showing an Invisible Form

The version of Windows that you are running determines the display of commands on the menu.

The icon is closed when there are no user applications currently running.