Running an Application from the Jade Platform Development Environment

When an application shuts down, Jade unloads any dynamically loaded libraries that have been loaded if the library is not being used by any remaining applications that are running on the node. When all user applications are shut down, any user‑loaded libraries are unloaded. In a development environment, this allows the executable file for a library to be replaced without having to restart the Jade node, as long as all user applications are shut down. This applies to standard (fat) clients, presentation clients, and application servers, but not to the database server node.

If libraries are loaded during execution of a server method, they are held open by the server thread that last executed the method. Server threads are not released when an application shuts down.

To initiate a Jade application from the Jade Platform development environment

As you can run an application only in the current schema context, the Run Application toolbar button and Run command are disabled in browser windows of the latest schema context.

To run a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application, a start-up form must be specified for that application. (For details, see "Defining Applications", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment User's Guide.)

The Run Application dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

To bypass the Run Application dialog, right‑click on the Run Application toolbar button.

To run your Jade application

  1. In the Application Name list box, select the application that you want to run. The current application is displayed by default.

    If you want to run another application in the current schema, select the appropriate application in the Application Name list box. If no application is set, the first application is displayed.

    For details about running a superschema application from the current schema, see step 8 of this instruction.

  2. Check the Activate Debugger check box if you want to activate the debugger for the application. By default, the debugger is not activated when an application is run. (For details, see "Starting an Application in Debug Mode", in Chapter 7 of the Development Environment User's Guide.)

  3. Check the Run in Debug Ready Mode check box if you want to run the application in debug mode but without the debugger being initiated when this is checked. Attaching to that application then allows debugging of any method already on the execution stack. (For details, see "Attaching the Debugger to a Running Application".)

    If the application is idle and no modal dialogs are displayed, attaching the debugger is equivalent to running in debug‑ready mode.

  4. Check the New Copy check box if you want to run a new copy of the selected application when that application is currently running.

    The New Copy check box is disabled if the application is not already running.

  5. The Run As Server Application check box is enabled only when the selected application is of type Non-GUI or Web-Enabled Non-GUI and you are running Jade in multiuser mode. When you check this check box, the Activate Debugger and New Copy check boxes are disabled.

    Check the Run As Server Application check box if you are running Jade in multiuser mode and you want to run the application on the server node instead of your client node. For example, you can initiate a non-GUI application to run on the server node so that it continues running after you have shut down your client node.

    For details about specifying the time that Jade waits for an application to initiate on another thread before raising an exception, see the MaxWaitAppStart parameter in the [JadeServer] section of the Jade initialization file, in the Jade Initialization File Reference.

  6. Check the Set As Default check box if you want to set an application in your schema as the current default application. (This check box enables you to set the default application without having to access the Application Browser to change the current application.)

    This check box is enabled only when the selected application is not the current application.

  7. Check the Check For Uncompiled Methods check box if you want to be warned before the application is invoked about any methods in the application that are uncompiled or are being edited.

    This check box is unchecked by default; that is, methods are not checked before the application runs. If an uncompiled method is executed, an exception is raised.

  8. Check the Show Inherited check box if you want to run a superschema application from a subschema. The Application Name combo box is then populated with the applications from the current schema and its superschemas.

    If the default application is set to a superschema application on the Run Application dialog, that superschema application is the default application.

  9. From version 2018.0.01, if the initialize method for the application has a single parameter of type HugeStringArray, the Parameters text box is enabled so that you can specify parameters for command line arguments when running an application from within Jade.

    Specify each entry in the array as a space‑delimited token in the parameters string; for example:

    "schema=RootSchema app=JadeSchemaLoader ini=MyJade.ini schemaFile=d:\jade\scm\test.scm dontSaveSources=true loadStyle=onlyStructuralVersioning"

    It is up to the application being initiated to delete the shared transient HugeStringArray instance.

  10. Click the OK button to run the selected application. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.) Your selected application is then initiated, and the following actions are performed.

    • If the New Copy check box is unchecked and the application is currently active, focus is set to the active application.

    • If the Set As Default check box is checked, the Application Browser is updated to reflect the new current (default) application.

    • If the Check For Uncompiled Methods check box is checked and the application contains any methods that have not yet been compiled or that are locked for editing, the message box shown in the following image is then displayed.

If you want to compile or save the specified method before running the application, click the No button and compile or save the method before you retry running the application. Alternatively, click the Yes button if you want to run the application with an uncompiled method or one that is locked for editing.