Reporting Profile Statistics to a CSV File

The Report CSV command in the Jade User Interrupt Profiler submenu outputs profile statistics of times spent in Jade and external methods to a comma‑separated values (.csv) file. (In Jade thin client mode, profiler output is always output to the workstation that is running the Jade logic; that is, to the application server.)

To output profile statistics to a CSV report file

The profile statistics are then output to the JadeProfiler_<application‑name>_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss.csv file in the path specified by the ResultsFile parameter in the [JadeProfiler] section of the Jade initialization file, if any. A new report file is generated for each call to the JadeProfiler class report method.

If a path is not specified in this parameter, the file is located in the log file directory, specified by using the LogDirectory parameter in the [JadeLog] section of the Jade initialization file. (For details, see Chapter 1 of the Jade Initialization File Reference, "Jade Initialization File".)

You can view your profile output by using an Excel spreadsheet, from which you can output it to a printer, if required.

The statistics provided by the profile report enable you to optimize the code of your methods in the Jade Platform development environment by analyzing the performance of your methods at run time.

For details about the report that is produced, see "Reporting Profile Statistics", in the previous section.