Options Menu

To set the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer display on top of the current window

A check mark is then displayed to the left of the command in the Options menu.

The Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is then always displayed on top of the current window unless it is minimized. To change the option back again, repeat the operation. (The check mark is then no longer displayed and the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is no longer brought to the top.)

The Always on top command sets and unsets the [JadeInterpreterOutputViewer] section WindowAlwaysOnTop parameter in the Jade initialization file.

To capture your output to a file

A check mark is then displayed to the left of the command in the Options menu.

The output from traced methods and write instructions is written to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer window by default. You can capture the output to a file as well as have it displayed in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer. If you have specified that the output is also written to a file, the output is directed to the jadeout.log file in your Jade log directory, by default.

To change the option back again, repeat the operation. (The check mark is then no longer displayed.)

You can view the output file by using a text editor; such as Notepad. (The output file is cumulative; that is, records are appended to any existing records in the output file.)

To change the screen font displayed in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer

  1. To display text in another font, select the Font command in the Options menu.

    The common Font dialog is then displayed, listing all screen fonts available for selection.

  2. In the Font Style and Size combo boxes, select the font attributes that you require; for example, Bold and 12.

  3. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

To set the font displayed in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer to a fixed‑pitch font

  1. To display text in a fixed‑pitch (monospaced) font, select the Font (Fixed Pitch) command in the Options menu. The common Font dialog is then displayed, listing all fixed-pitch fonts available for selection; for example, Courier.

  2. In the Font Style and Size combo boxes, select the font attributes that you require; for example, Bold Italic and 9.

  3. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

To toggle the pausing of updates displayed in the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer

To toggle how text output to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer is displayed

By default, word wrapping is not set, so long lines of text are truncated on the right and the text box must be scrolled horizontally to view the extended text.

When you set word wrapping, a check mark symbol is displayed to the left of the Word wrap command in the Options menu, and word wrapping remains in effect until you select this command again. Any long lines of text are then wrapped so that additional lines are used to display the complete text and there is no horizontal scroll bar.

The Word wrap command sets and unsets the [JadeInterpreterOutputViewer] section WordWrap parameter in the Jade initialization file.